TESEP awards
AAPG Harrison Schmitt Award 2012
In recognition of the great work done by all members of the TESEP team, Chairperson Jill Stevens and TESEP were awarded the prestigious 2012 AAPG Harrison Schmitt Award in recognition of outstanding accomplishment in Teacher Education Outreach work.
The award, named after the first geologist-astronaut on the Moon, was initially given to Jill after her nomination by TESEP advisory board members. However, Jill advised AAPG that the founding members of the TESEP team were a talented, dedicated group of educators/geologists, who developed and presented the material at face-to-face workshops and were collectively the reason for the success of the workshop series.
In response to Jill's representations, the AAPG awards committee have re-conferred the award to "Jill Stevens and TESEP".
TESEP staff recogniton
2015 Prime Minister's Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools
Ken Silburm attended one of the first workshops TESEP held in Sydney and has been a big supporter of TESEP ever since. Working as defacto NSW coordinator, Ken has organised many NSW TESEP events and has inspired many other teachers to attend TESEP workshops. Ken was awarded the 2015 Prime Minister's Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools in recognition of his amazing contributions to science teaching including his iSTEM initiative, work with TESEP and his Space Camp activities with students.
In 2017 Ken was short-listed, in the Top 10, for the prestigeous Varkey Global Teacher Prize. Ken has now stepped back from TESEP PD coordination and we thank him for his hard work in bringing TESEP to NSW teachers.
2009 Prime Minister's Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools
Len Altman is a founding staff member of TESEP and was instrumental in surveying teachers, seeking feedback on what PD teachers needed, so that we could design our program to meet the existing and future needs of Australian teachers. While teaching full time, Len also acted as TESEP's South Australian coordinator and presented TESEP workshops Len was awarded the 2009 Prime Minister's Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools in recognition of his amazing contributions to science teaching including his work with TESEP and his pioneering initiative, the Geoscience Pathways Project.
As of 2017, Len retired from Teaching and TESEP but his legacy and enthusiasm remains and TESEP thanks Len for his fantastic contributions to TESEP and the teachers we have assisted in South Australia during his 10 year tenure with us.
2008 PESA Meritorious Service Award
Jill stevens, TESEP Chairperson, was recognised with the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA) Meritorious Service Award in 2008. This award recognised Jill's outstanding long term commitment to PESA and upstream industry and provision of exceptional service to PESA.
2006 QMEA Right Direction Teacher Award
Janet Schwabe, inaugural TESEP Queenland State Coordinator, was recognised with the QMEA Right Direction Teacher Award in 2006. This award recognised Janet's enthusiasm for teaching Earth Science and the passion for the subject that she brought to the classroom.