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TESEP’s aim is to develop confident, well-informed, enthusiastic teachers of STEM/Earth and Environmental Science, with the multiplier effect of flow-on to tens of thousands of students over the years of most science teachers working lifetimes. These STEM/Earth and Environmental Science-oriented students would have the potential to do tertiary studies and take up Australian positions in industry as professionals or technicians.

  • TESEP is a not-for-profit running under the auspices of ASTA Australian Science Teachers Association.
  • TESEP is the winner of 3 awards for community service, one international & two national. The 2022 Selwyn Medal (from the GSA Vic)  was awarded to TESEP Chairperson Jill Stevens.
  • TESEP relies on funding from geological societies, mining companies and others to keep its program for science teachers running. TESEP functions on a shoe-string budget and depends on significant volunteer (unpaid ) time & effort.
  • TESEP is also part-funded by sales of volunteer-made TESEP Australian Rock Kit for Schools.

TESEP PDs 2024

2008-2023 All Events

In 16 years we have had:

  • Over 3800 teacher attendances at PD events
  • Over 2200 teacher attendances at webinars
  • Over 800 teacher attendances at fieldtrips/site visits
  • Over 4300 student attendances at class sessions


TESEP MAP 2008 2023

2023 TESEP Event Map & Support letters from regional schools


TRSEP Map 2023

Xavier Catholic College, QLD "... the concepts of geological timeframes and climate change are pivotal in understanding the environmental challenges we face today. However, it has come to my attention that there is a need for improved education and training for teachers in these areas. I am humbly requesting the support of TESEP in providing resources and opportunities for professional development to teachers".

Roxby Downs Area School, SA "... we have in class had Aboriginal students open discussion of landforms important to them and explore the geological and geophysical explanations of these culturally important locations. Rather than being divisive, it appears that the students have gained insight and enrichment through sharing the knowledge and their experience".

 TESEP PDs 2024 B

TESEP Successes in 2023

  • 47 PD events in all states and territories (excluding NT), 28 webinars, mostly regional or remote.
  • Over 500 teachers attended PD events, and over 1000 students in our school incursions.
  • Continued support from many long-term Partners.
  • SMEDG generous one-off funding in 2023 has allowed for flexibility in schools in 4 states.
  • Several new EES/STEM-oriented PD topics have been developed (i.e., Energy and the Energy Transition).
  • PD at many new remote, regional locations.
  • Lots of interest in Energy Transition, Critical Minerals and, Riding the Climate Rollercoaster.
  • Lots of interest in the Life, Fossils & the 5 Big Extinctions PDs and webinar.
  • Training Day (in VIC) for some new presenters, incl. 3 young female geoscientists

TESEP Dissapointments in 2023

  • Limited interest in PD events in capital-city urban schools.
  • Difficult to engage stressed, tired teachers in under-staffed schools.
  • Postponement/cancellation of some events due to low registrations.

 Warrunbungles NSW

2023 Teacher Feedback

Nyngan, NSW "I enjoyed your talk at our school and the mine tour - so much so, I enrolled in and began a Bachelor of Science".

Lithgow HS, NSW "... well-planned & engaging, students enjoyed hands-on with rock samples, I will definitely incorporate this! The visuals paired with the information were awesome".

Townsville-Ayr NQld "Most useful - cyclical economy of critical minerals, recycling program links and careers in geoscience".

Bordertown SA "... discussion about taking what we learnt straight into our classrooms. Staff are a lot more confident".

Liverpool, NSW "... wealth of knowledge & the passion of the the presenter".

Nowra-Ulladulla NSW "... data on climate, career paths, being able to physically touch the rocks".

Palmyra WA "Being made aware of the relevant websites & the idea that rocks have a story".

Avila Coll, VIC "... fascinating set of webinars on climate. I learned so much".

Roxby Downs SA "... precontact with the presenters enabled us to tailor the focus to local contexts & provide locally relevant information and activities".

Stawell SC, VIC "... most enlightening overview of how we are tracking & what else needs to be done for our Energy Transition!"

 Castle Hill NQLD

TESEP Plans for 2024-2025

  • Develop at least one new topic – Sustainability of Earth Resources - linking Water, Soil Minerals/Agriculture, Rock Cycle/Landforms.
  • Weathering, and Critical Minerals/remote sensing exploration/technology relevance.
  • Utilizing a diverse range of male/female geo-educators nationally.
  • Keep running face-to-face PD workshops, national FREE webinars and some class session/incursions.
  • Keep explaining local geology/its relevance to agriculture/land utilization/STEM technology of modern life.
  • Keep running fieldtrips for teachers (with worksheets that can be used for students, at subsequent visits).

As a TESEP presenter noted in Energy & The Energy Transition PD,

"The energy transition presents an IMMENSE challenge but also an amazing opportunity for humanity. This is truly a global challenge that requires global solutions.

There is no silver bullet – multiple technologies matched with the right application will be the answer. TESEP has a significant place in inspiring Australian teachers & students".

TESEP’s aim of enthusing and equipping junior-middle year secondary (& upper primary & labtech) teachers in regional and urban schools, has a demonstrated flow-through to students (the next generation), some who will seek careers in Science/STEM and land use.